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Brian Kay is a modern-day troubadour. He is the Artistic Director of the early music meets early theater group THEATRO, and is currently overseeing their international recording of music from the plays of William Shakespeare. He won a GRAMMY® Award for his work on Apollo's Fire's Songs of Orpheus recording with tenor Karim Sulayman. He works as a musician and recording artist for the Netflix music lab and is a featured soloist on the soundtrack of their original series The Witcher.
"Brian Kay moved effortlessly from classical poise to boisterous rumpus, depending on what constellation of performers was in play. His versatility seems limitless, with no drop in intensity from one style to the next. He is also a rare force: a singer equally strong as a player of plucked instruments. "
-Seen & Heard International

Ashlee & Brian

Ashlee & Brian
Featured Album Release:
Twa Corbies
Out Of The Mist
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